Rajesh K Thiagarajan

Rajesh K Thiagarajan (20)

Who should be accountable for Quality?

According to you, which team should be accountable for the quality of a product? Development Team, Quality Assurance Team PS: "Both" is not an option because Accountability can only be with one. :) Sachin Shenoy had asked this interesting question on LinkedIn (here). There were many…

Ephemeral Apps

Ephemeral Apps

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras augue nisi, tincidunt at rhoncus a, dignissim hendrerit mi. Donec euismod risus dolor, a maximus erat feugiat at. Quisque sagittis interdum pretium. Proin nec odio erat. Vestibulum vehicula magna non eros vehicula, viverra auctor ligula ultricies.

Using Frameworks - regression

Frameworks for using frameworks

T his content should be tried a lot as we are seeing in multiple examples. I am just trying to learn all the features of this editor so that I know exactly what to do?his content should be tried a lot as we are seeing…

Alternative Education

Notes on "Alternative Schools/Education"

Before we go into the details of "Alternative" forms of schools and education, it would be good to get some clarity on - "What is education?". The etymology of education indicates that it is borrowed from Middle French éducation, from Latin ēducātiō ("a breeding, bringing up, rearing"), from ēdūcō ("I educate, train"),…

Outcome > Output > Deadlines

“SO DO YOU REALLY believe that in the future we’re going to have the kind of trouble you write about in your books?” a student asked me as I was signing books after a talk. The young man was referring to the troubles I’d described…

Attention > Time > Money

“SO DO YOU REALLY believe that in the future we’re going to have the kind of trouble you write about in your books?” a student asked me as I was signing books after a talk. The young man was referring to the troubles I’d described…

Productivity Word Cloud

Principles > Process > Goals 

The characteristics of a productive teamOutcome oriented The team cares about the outcome and not just finishing assigned tasks. Different team members have different levels of leverage on the outcome. In a productive team, everyone understands the outcome and does the right thing associated with…